Counseling Services
What does a school counselor do?
The role of the elementary counselor is to guide, advise, recommend, consult, and assist with the near limitless variety of concerns that students, parents, teachers, administrators, and the community at large may have. Specifically, the thrust of the counseling program is defined by three major goals:
To assist students with personal and academic concerns such as coping with stress, learning to study, and behaving appropriately in class.
To help students develop educational and career decision-making skills including knowing how to make decisions, developing individual interests and abilities, and learning about job and careers.
To aid students in developing interpersonal skills such as resolving conflicts.
Who is a school counselor?
A Professional who has earned a Master’s Degree in school counseling.
An Educator who holds state certification in school counseling to include counseling theories and practices, human behavior, career education, individual appraisal, and social/cultural issues. Maintaining certification includes on-going professional development to stay current with education reform and challenges facing today’s students. Professional association membership enhances the school counselor’s knowledge and effectiveness.
A Specialist who has expertise in age-specific developmental stages of student growth, and the needs, tasks, and student interests related to those stages.
Counseling Programs
Prevention Services:
The goal of prevention services is to keep healthy people healthy. Skilled professional staff members provide training, consultation, public speaking and group services to individuals, agencies, schools, churches, businesses, and community groups. Prevention services has considerable expertise in parenting, couples issues, divorce adjustment, and stress management.
Prevention Services contact:
Chesterfield County Mental Health Support Services
P.O. Box 92
Chesterfield, VA 23832
Comfort Zone Camp:
CZC sponsors weekend bereavement camps in Virginia and New York/New Jersey for children from across the country who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling, or significant loved one.
Comfort Zone Camp contact:
2101-A Westmoreland Street
Richmond, VA 23230
REACT Children’s Program:
A free, informative support group serving children in grades 1-5 who have witnessed verbal or physical fighting in their homes. Children in this group will learn to handle stress in a positive way and to manage strong emotions by developing effective problem-solving skills and coping strategies.
contact information:
Mondays 6:30-8:00 PM
6801 Lucy Corr Blvd
Chesterfield, VA 23832
RichmondSummerCamps.org~~a FREE resource for parents to find all of the great
summer camps in one place. All camp listings are free, so parents can find out
about all of the camps regardless of their advertising budgets.